Wednesday, November 19, 2008

audio blog

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Audio Blog: Holiday Survey

This is a survey which I executed over the past week, asking random people about their feelings regarding the upcoming holiday season. Some were excited while others dreaded working retail. When listening to all answers back to back, the survey produced some interesting results. Most people referred to the materialism of the holidays, rather than the "happy holiday spirit" expected at this time of year. How do you feel about the fact that we have but 39 days until Christmas. Are you excited?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Kristina's Impossible Project


Step on every leaf you find
on the night of a full moon.
Crunch them till dawn.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

More Novels in Three Lines

The trend of saggy, boxer-revealing pants is causing a stir in Texas, where old people have had enough. Dallas councilman Dwayne Caraway already has over one hundred followers in his pants raising campaign.
Seattle P.I.

Gum wrappers became the cause of a man's arrest Tuesday, when he attempted to use them to pay his bar tab. When the bar tender refused the payment and called the cops to force him to pay, the man was arrested.
Seattle P.I.

Rick Baker's falafel truck is being targeted by local business owners threatened by his success. He simply wanted to fry up some chickpeas for the public, but has been hindered by others parking in his usual space and slashing his tires.
The Stranger

Families and Dogs against Fighting Breeds (FDAFB) decided not to go through with their proposal for a ban on dangerous Pit Bulls, because they were recieving threatening letters from families and dogs FOR fighting breeds.
The Sranger

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First Few Novels in Three Lines

Two hicks from Tennessee pleaded not guilty Thursday in an alleged plot to assasinate President-elect Barack Obama. They were publically arrested and held in custody without bond.

Same sex couples in California who finally obtained the right to wed last May were stripped of this ability Tuesday, when other California minorities opposed it.

A seasoned tubist and frequent at Seahawks and Mariners Games, 53yr old Ed McMichael known as "the Tubist", was killed Monday after being beaten by juvinilles at a bus stop.
The Seattle Times

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Warm Letters from Home

1. What is the function of the letters in News From Home?

This prompt jumped out at me first because it is the question I puzzled over most throughout the film. Why is the viewer constantly bombarded with motherly commentary, when this mother’s child is never seen? At first, I thought we would see her daughter at the end of the film; because with each letter, the audience is given more information on this mysterious person. At the beginning, the mother simply refers to her child as “my darling”, so we are unaware of the sex of this person. But later on, she refers to her as “My little girl”. Also, we do not know why this mysterious person is in New York, especially since it seems that she moved there from her mother’s foreign country (possibly France), but later we are told by the mother that she is working on a screenplay. Oh, so she has moved to the big city to go into cinema, for her career. But even though we keep learning about this woman, she never appears. Why?

I think now that the purpose of the letters in News From Home are not to introduce us to the mysterious woman, but to introduce us to the idea of two disparate worlds being compared through the warmth of a mother’s voice. The world of the mother’s description contains family, friends, and familiarity. In fact, it seems less foreign to me than the bustling New York scenes shown beneath her voice. The phrases she repeats, such as “I know you are busy, but please find time to write me” are familiar requests we have all heard from our family time to time. This brings a certain personal aspect to the film because we can relate to the mystery woman. The warmth of the mother’s voice contrasts the cold hard city, and allows the viewer to be transported through the letter to friendlier place. As an outside listener, I can only imagine a comfortable home nestled away in the hills of France with loving family, far away from the hustle and bustle of big city life.

Whether or not this interpretation is correct cannot be determined by you or me; and I think that was the point. We are to create our own interpretations, our own meanings. While some of us may take in the information from this film and interpret it within our everyday lives, others may see it as completely foreign and incomprehensible. This comparison between our understandings closely follows my above idea of the comparison of two worlds within the film in that we are choosing either what is comfortable to us or what is cold and foreign. It is this disparity that leaves the film up for interpretation. What do you think?

In Class Activity 10/29


The internet is my companion. I wake up and consult it for my daily dose of Americana. I begin with My head spins with commercial advertising. Crocs? What is this strange notion? A clog, purely Dutch, made of fur and plastic to integrate Americanism. People wear these? Everything on this site has been created to make our lives easier. The most disgusting of all, is an “Amazon Kindle”, shown at top center of the page, demanding our attention. Books are loaded into this thing so we don’t have to carry around a ton of them. This just further shows the laziness of us all. And this product idea continues, with IPODs, Blackberries (blackberries…painful thorns but delicious juice), cameras, watches, etc. All created to store information so our lives can be easier. Obvious sexuality is shown with an advertisement for Women’s Halloween costumes. This Princess Leah costume is so revealing she could be naked and it wouldn’t make a difference. But the Darth Vader costume covers men from head to toe. This disparity between male and female body image encompasses our culture. The thin tan woman with shiny skin looks at the viewer sexually as if wanting to create erotic thoughts. But the man comes at the viewer suddenly with a light saber. Ah, sex and violence. The basis of American humanity. And jealousy. The woman only looks the way she does because she is jealous of the way other women look, and how men view them. The man becomes violent at the viewer out of jealousy. “Don’t look at my woman!” And, we see new and exciting toys and technology all over the page because jealousy drives our nation to spend. I might be jealous that someone else has a newer, “cooler” phone than me, so I would buy a new one. Even a baby is dressed like Yoda to stimulate our “cute” sensors. I have a cuter baby than you. Sex. Violence. Jealousy. We find our identity as it is given to us.


On the Amazon page, there uh are uh a lot of commercial advertisements. But, uh, there’s some truth to this. There is a, uh, device which holds thousands of, uh, books in it, so we, uh, don’t have to carry them ourselves. At, uh, the top of the, uh, page, there’s three pictures of what appear to be, uh, plastic clogs with fur in them, this way uh, gardeners can have warm feet in the uh, the winter. On the, uh, right side of the page there are some watches, which, uh all look very nice and shiny but uh, all show different times which is odd. Under the uh, clogs in the middle of the, uh page, uh, there are three types of phones, each, uh, a bit different, uh more advanced than the one to its left. This, uh makes me think about what we will, uh, have in the future.
Ever changing
Never ending
Technology. Its’ getting better and better now. It’s coming closer and closer. We will be are in the midst of it now and will be for the remainder of our lives. This storm of information, uh, consuming our lives. We are deep in it now, but, uh, it will get worse, more will come. We can now see Iphones and Blackberries, but, uh, what will come next? Acamera is seen in the page’s left hand column. It has 12.3 megapixels, but, uh, will that seem bad in ten years? Looking to the future, uh, I can see that we will be bombarded with even more of this ridiculous technology. Even our children are exposed to it. At, uh thebottome of the, uh, the screen, there is a “Fisher Price Kid-Tough” Digital Camera”. It is made for toddlers. So, even in single digit ages, humans are, uh, using technology, and learning that this equipment is not something of value, and does not need to be respected. Uh, feel free to toss your technology out the window. It’s uh, Kid-tough.